26 Sep, 2024

Four Platforms You Can Use To Make A Blog For Kids

Blogs provide a great platform for discovery and self-expression among persons of all ages, kids included. Blogs offer a powerful means of socializing and they are also lots of fun. Even though it’s hard to let your kids loose on the Internet with little supervision, it is healthy in some ways. Careful preparation will enable you help your kids launch their first blogging ventures. The following are the main platforms where you can make a blog for kids.

WordPress and Blogger
These are the two best-known general-purpose blogging sites. They both focus on long-form written content. They both have simplistic design, intuitive user interfaces, and straight forward default layouts. These are some of the reasons why they are such great platforms to make a blog for kids. WordPress is highly customizable and has a very active user support community. Blogger is owned by Google and is very simple to set up especially if you already have a Google account.

This is one of the original blogging websites. It also encourages use of long-form written content. It however also allows embedding of media meaning that kids can link favorite music and videos. LiveJournal provides many customization options and uses tagging to allow for easy organization of posts. It is free to use but also offers a premium version that features no advertisements and has several additional features.

